They don't know he's trans but his boyfriend Wade does. It makes it easier for Bruce to help you." A continuation of 'The Stuff of Heroes,' but in Dual Perspective. probably)/one shots based on requests you comment! Peter said he wasn't ready, but Skip told him he was just nervous. Everyone was concerned at this point. Just stop. "I've got Spider-Man converge on me" Stark was saying when peter kicked him knocking him over and webbing him to the ground. Sort of. But he didn't think it would happen so soon. Chapter summary: Peter disappeared over the weeked, being convinced of his hatred was feeling down. Peter thanked him and took a small sip, but the water simply made him feel more queasy than he had before. Goosebumps covered his skin."I-I.." 160K 4.8K 19. Peters heart rate picked up, a nervous feeling entering his stomach. His breath was gone. One shots of my favorite superheroes. )Opening the front door, he pulled his backpack over his shoulders and left. Maybe he wasn't as lucky as he thought. Drank more, worked more. You've been in here for a while." "I can still f-feel h-him, Mr. S-Starkhis hands on m-me." He had kept his secret identity a secret for over a year he'd kept it to himself. hey y/n how are you feeling? Natasha and Wanda walked in with a cheerful grin Better..still grounded though you brushed looking over photos of the particular night oh..well you did no more lectures, I swear that they are worse than a hangover. You cut when stumbling upon a picture of you being dragged away from the party. #injury Peter never even thought of telling may, it would hurt her too much to lose another person she cared about. He gripped the brunettes waist tight and moved his legs out from under the boy, wrapping them around him instead to lock him in place. Banner does things on his tablet and leaves the room to do tests. Thats you, she says. Tiny Stank, the things that I hold dear (will always be the things I fear), help me i have no idea where this is going, Every Fic I've Posted in OG Posting Order, but the Medusa is a unique symbol, something strong, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Karen Page, Matt Murdock Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Giving Stories to background characters is my favorite, takes place between Civil War and Homecoming. ", "Peter! Peter always knew, he always knew it would happen one day. ", "Hey, kiddo, just wondering, is everything alright? "No, do I reason to?" I read these fanfiction one or two times and now I can . _____ A robot. Stop. Or: the biodad au where Peter gets arrested for selling drugs, and that actually improves his life. All sense of happiness and excitement lost. You felt your heart ache seeing him laugh at a joke Ned made as they passed you in the hall, and sitting in three of his classes and having to listen to the arrogant Flash next to you didnt help your mood. )It was August 16th when they met up the last time before school started back. For good reason.Because sometimes we need a therapist to tell us our trauma is real. The boy looked up at him, his eyes lost, a darkness covering them. Anything that Peter may be guilty of, he is, as they say, squeaky clean.". He told them the truth. So now, peter was all alone again. Type: ANGST! He whispered. This is about the life of Peter and stuff. Peter knew he could never make this mistake again. He smiled evilly, yanking Peters shirt from his body as the boy tried to escape Flash's grip. Peter trying to get him off. Peter had hurt may, he had talked. "Do Iknow you?" It almost sounded as If Karen felt sorry for him. Peter was always very open to the others. Emma Frost only appeared as recently as Uncanny X-Men #129, where she was a member of the Hellfire Club, a team of evil mutants who came into conflict with the X-Men. #lokilaufeyson The AI replied as the elevator made its way there.When the two got there, Bruce was standing ready, waiting. He had a suit with a mask, and he never talked. He asked, his breath knocked away. He- ah! You squealed at the touch, your heart nervously looked up to be met with an apologetic Ned s-sorry I didnt mean to scare you.. he apologized tugging his hands in his pockets and you simply shooked your head in disbelief its uh..its f-fine..completely fine.. you spoke rushed, your heart slowly getting into a fit pace at the sight of the nice boy. He whispered, voice cracking. Peter was huddled on the shower floor now, trembling. Should I wait? The raspy voice of the driver was heard as he came to a stop in front of a red brick building, you watched through the tinted window as a cab rushed through the road before opening the door Nah its ok you smiled but upon closing the door you had second thoughts, but mind staying in the area?. Tony's heart dropped to his stomach.Oh god, oh god, OH GOD. but sure good for you for keeping it within dress code He shrugged with a smile before taking another sip from his coffee. #comingoutofthecloset The man left peter in pain and agony. Should I get him for you? For anyone that wants me to write stories with sensitive subjects(rape, sexual harassment, etc), it can be pretty sensitive to me. But what he did was much, much worse. You heard movements around the apartment and then a female voice echoed through one second!, and yes after a second or two the door was swung open and you were met with a beautiful woman. Warning- language (sorry cap) Flash being an asshole (sexual harassment), violence, cliff hanger. I am sorry. Can Peter be brave and tell Skip and a room of strangers how Skip had ruined his life eight years prior when he sexually assaulted him? He felt shaky, weak. Parker. He said no one really feels ready at first. Turning around to grab a bath towel from below the sink, Tony hesitated."Peter? He didn't expect what he saw. Meanwhile, Tony gets to navigate the post Civil War fallout, hopefully reconcile with Pepper, and give Happy the stupid promotion. Could you give it to him? You raised a suspicious brow at Ned before frowning at the bkue hoodie. His voice quivered. A tear escaping his eyes successfully and she was quick to kiss it away, I know.. she whispered with a gentle smile but Peter is a good kid..and hey.. she huffed, her fruity tone creasing Tonys sadness and leaving a small mark of happiness if he hurts got a whole team upstairs thatll gladly help you..just dont kill him she joked and he shook his head with a sad smile, he knew she was right, its bowed to happen anyways so its better if its Peter and not some strange guy youll meet someday. Friday announced through the invisible speakers of the lab as Tony wiped his hands on a oily rag and turned around to find Peter stumbling out of the elevator. And I just want to let you know that whatever may be bothering you, or what you might want to tell me, let me know, then I'm here, I'll understand, I won't judge, and I'm here with an open heart and an open ear. #steve. The man pushing down on the bed and kissing him. ""N-no, I'll get him." But this time may found out. Your hand turned into a fist faster than anyone could ever notice as fire was raging within your fingers when you punched his nose, knocking his head backwards and he was quick to put his hands over his bloody nose what the hell? Everyone tried in May different ways to find out Steve tried being open minded: "Hey kiddo! Foggy had said to him the guy looked rather young, about a decade older than Peter, with blond hair, pale skin, blue eyes, and slight muscle.Hi, my name is Mathew Murdock, and this is Franklin Nelson, Matt said, moving to the table and sitting opposite of the man.Skip Westcott, the man - Skip - said.Matt nodded, nice to meet you. #spider-man With Peters shirt now off, Flash roamed the innocent boys body with his hands, pinching and twisting his nipples. Useless words. "Are we going to tell people about us? You seem to be showing symptoms of sexual assault. Female Peter Parker - Works | Archive of Our Own ", "Yeah, I guess. "I'll just get out of your hair now, I'm sorry Ms. He told me not t-to!" Peter's spider sense warned him more people were near. I was like four. Tony watches Peters chest rise and fall with slow, even breaths.He would get through it. What hurts?""I" Peter's mouth was dry, images still flashing in his mind. This is about the life of Peter and stuff. Even Loki and Thor knew everything about him. "I gotcha, kid. I am sorry. Peter Parker and his friends go on summer vacation to Europe, while . But once again peter hid it. He had to get out of here. When Peter fails his tests and is threatened with getting kicked out of Midtown, he'll do anything to keep his scholarship. "Flash, let go of me." #natasha He was consumed with pain, the slightest movement sending shards through his body. After peter woke up and was asked a few questions the doctors learned the truth. ", "Hey Peter, you wouldn't mind if I joined you in your room? He had no interest in girls he saw at school, and he hung out with Ned 24/7. nice kick you turned to see Michelle making her way through yhe crowed and got closer to you, a proud grin shaped her lips thanks you muttered and walked away from the flashing crowd, with her by your side. #boyxboy "No, Peter." #angst (And what it doesn't mean.) Don't come back. So let's go back to the beginning of it all. He looked dead. (Basically, if you like whump, angst, fluff, andsick fics, then this is the fic for you. Tony jumped back, "Spider-Man nice to meet you. Every Sunday when May had to work it was the same thing. "Peter, I'm sensing distress. I'm going to help you get through this, okay? Your prints were a match for a missing persons case from ten years ago. Your feet hurrying through the empty hallways, headphones cleaning your mind like bleach, letting you forget the earlier events of today. Nothing. Well, until now, but we're not quite there just yet. He struggled to get away, fighting Flash's arms with his own (he couldn't reveal his identity).But Flash didn't retaliate. And I'll try and post the next one extra quickly Leave peter alone with the man, and then the man hurting him. His throat closed as he tried to get the words out. "I'm so sorry, Pete. It'll all be better in the morning. Search: Avengers X Reader Tumblr. He didn't want to make Peter uncomfortable.Holding the towel outstretched, Tony heard water drip as Peter got out of the shower and moved towards him. Peter nodded, letting out a shaky sigh and grasping the gowns edges with his fingertips before slipping it on.~(Okay, so I lost a lot of inspiration for this one shot so sorry if it ends stupid, I didn't know how to continue it. The smell of food spreading through yours senses while you made your way through the cozy apartment. I heard it all you know.. The voice of Pepper Potts was heard in Tonys ears, making him close his eyes knowingly of course you did.. he huffed they love each other Tony. Really dad? You continued, raising a brow over to the bright chested man What? He shrugged innocently and you turned to cap who seemed rather irritated as well You..never mind you rolled your eyes and sprinted out the room to grab your bag and leave to school. Not terrified of the body behind the thin sheet of plastic. But like we could have talked back in the compound so I cameras. He huffed and you froze but your heart didnt, damn it made you so nervous being alone with him all of the sudden I need to talk to you, without fearing itll be documented somewhere.. he explained taking the jacked from your hands then.. you flushed is everything alright Pete? Wrapping the towel around the boy - no, teenager - Tony dried a shaking Peter off and handed him a hospital gown. EvenNot physically or emotionally! And In doing so, so did May. "Pete, kid, tell me what's going on? And In doing so, so did May. Skip Westcott is not here anymore. Thank god for Ned. His mind screamed, but his mouth couldn't make a sound. Peter Parker's suffering doesn't end there. Peter never held anything back from them. Yeah homework.. you could see right through his lies but if Ned was trying to lie to you into making you see Peter who are you to dismiss him, after all he has a good heart. A lot of judgmental and impressed looks were following you as you walked down the hall with your group of friends, that apologized more than hundred times for not being better friends and shit like that. Tell him it's Peter." Not until you're begging for me." Come could be my date and I could treat you the way you deserve Stop. You hissed with a glare. The officer pulls out a picture that she turns toward Peter. Peter gets to use his new suit! Peter knew he could never make this mistake again. Literally nothing could be held back. To when it all started. She's cold and distant and doesn't pay any mind to what Skip does to Peter behind closed doors. "Pl-please, don't come a-any closer. The once-beloved sense of family he'd found in May has all but dissipated since he's returned. He was invading his space, he had his hands where they shouldn't be, he breathed heavy - "Peter," said Morgan. And the fact her friends were so apologetic didn't help her annoyance..and than..Flash. (Detailed descriptions of rape! #banner Its a little boy around four years old, with curly brown hair. So if there's anything you want to tell me, now would be a good time. Peter Parker's new English teacher is Skip Westcott. He carefully picked up his kid, making sure he didn't hurt the boy. Please. His face was now drenched with tears, his body felt like it was being torn apart. I mean, we can't help but get this nagging feeling that he's hiding something, but I guess that's just a sign that we have to learn to trust him. His lower body was still unpleasantly wet from earlier.Peter felt like he might throw up. Tony and Steve adopt Peter from an abusive orphanage. "Tony snapped from his trance, moving quickly over to his kid, placing his hand on the boys arm. Did they do something wrong? But before we continue first we must learn what happened to peter. avengers fanfiction peter secretly blind. It was recently uploaded into my database.. youre asking for it he hissed and somehow, you dont know how, you felt him try and get up the back of your shirt, quickly reaching for your bra, and it snapped you back to reality. #irondad Just in case you smiled awkwardly and the man, who by his behavior and age assumed he was new, simply nodded quietly. And Peters one of the best..damn it he is the best boyfriend you could hope for her right now! Honey.. no. (I will not make an abusive relationship a romance, for example.) Pete you have a visitor! She called loudly, opening the door enough for you to pass. She has a beautiful smile and her brown hair was pulled into a ponytail, she had a pair of glasses over her brown eyes definitely related you thought connecting the sparkle in her eyes to Peters. Not again. Then everyone would know.Sighing weakly, he turned the shower handle as water began pouring from the shower head. Foods going to be ready soon! This is my fault! #peterparker Technically you could call this a gender-alternative Avengers rock band AU, but with the canon MCU characters also existing in the story and everyone interacting frequently due to Plot. But sadly he doesn't have the greatest luck. Hello! Sitting down in the chair next to it after peter is as comfortable as he can be, Tony watches as dr. Stop please please.." Peter didn't notice the knocking on the door, until Tony opened it and Peter jumped at the invasion of his privacy. After he shut the door, he rested his hands on the counter, supporting his weight. I couldn't stop h-him and it's all m-my fault." The man making him hurt. Peter Parker is in therapy. He growled, gripping his wrists so tight it brought tears to Peters eyes. It's likely the boy wanted privacy after what happened."No!" He couldn't even hold him. ", "Well, you've been acting a little strange lately. He felt disgusting, ashamed, unworthy of anything good."ter? You turned to look around to see that no one cared less, no one cared that you were publicly sexually harassed, and damn..that hurt. Pulling his clothes away, burying himself inside him. Peter quickly yelped, standing in the now cold shower. ". ", "Does she need you need you or something? Major dysphoria triggers in this book also this book deals with sexual abuse, murder, rape, bullying, self-harm, and attempted suicide. So peter stayed silent. "Peter's cheeks burned red and he shook his head. Peter was still Spider-Man, when he was 14 he had been bitten and Spider-Man soon followed. Making his way down the street, he pulled his web shooters and mask from his bag, slipping them on. Until it becomes too much, and Tony catches him as he falls. She approaching to a slightly open door as you stared at the objects around you, stumbling upon a picture of a happy family and a much much younger Peter. Glancing slowly up to the mirror, he stared into his own eyes and bit back a sob. Nat said. The boy told Peter he'd noticed his obsession with him and that he wanted to be a couple and get to know Peter. I uh..Im Peters friend he oh come in! #natasharomanoff Ugh. No one remembers shit from when they were four.. It was erratic and there was no tracking it. #bucky "Well, sir, he's a teenager, so naturally, he'll want at least a little privacy. Tony hasn't meant for his words to sound bad, but it felt like everything he did made the kid cry harder. Hi, I need your help. Then a pair of green eyes slid gracefully into his life, turning everything Peter though he knew on its head. "Kid, what hurts? Who left you there?, Lady, I dont remember jack shit, Peter says. . It is just a part of his growing up. ", "No, sir. #spoileralert Want to tell me why Ned lied to me? Huh? Do you seriously want me to believe that you care that much about a jacket? Oh..uh no no its just..uh I.. I needed to talk to youalone. Ok..? It hurts!" He escaped his thoughts and looked over at Tony who's eyes showed the most concern he'd ever seen in a person. they all began sitting down at your usual spot in the cafeteria as you passed Peter. Youre staring to worry me you confessed as he took a step closer to you, you felt as if you were about to explode, the butterflies from the first day you met awakening I uh.. he searched your y/c/e eyes, his pupils dilating to the point that his brown eyes were a thin circle. He continued his trip to the tower.~~~He stepped through the now open window, pain pushing through him. Part 3 of the Peter Calling Tony Dad One Shots! With Tony by his side, he would. "I know kiddo, it's only for a few days, okay? Peter? The Seven in High School | Percy Jackson Fanfiction Wiki . Flash let go of Peters neck, and the boy gasped for breath. Taking his shirt off almost sent him into a panic attack. Should I alert Mr. Stark of your condition and your whereabouts? For ten years, I tried telling people, but nobody believed me. Tony nodded."Okay. Ugh. Peter's new relationship with Tony is fragile and frankly terrifying. Fine. You huffed stuffing the jacked into your bag Im going home anyways so oh hes actually staying with his aunt tonight! You looked at him in disbelief You dont mind do you? He smiled nervously and you closed your eyes and took a deep breath re-thinking your options. Bruises started to form in the shape of fingerprints. He murmured, leaning his head down to Peter's neck. Sometimes I just have lots of thoughts about Peter Parker, okay? Apparently may came home to find peter beaten and raped. Tears filled his eyes. Skip abuses him and after 7 months of abuse at the hands of who is supposed to be his caretaker, he's ready to end his life. I uh..I got..ahm..homework! #hawkeye He didn't want this. hey! She leaned over the door with a genuinely happy and confused smile hey..Im y/n.. #hulk A/N: PLEASE READ! Got it?" Flash stop. You requested feeling him reach down your thigh, you clenched you jaw angrily and he swiftly backed away with his hands raised. ) @pieceofhamiltrash @tom-parkers-girl @all-fandomthings @thankyouspiderr, @dayswithoutcoffee @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @purpstraw, @for-my-mind @blackpuppetplayer @srrymydood @allthings-sandy @dontstopxx @colorbookshd, @marvelnerdxinfinity @unicorngummybears @thewondersofmysexuality. His whole lower body was on fire and he limped to the front door of the house, crying through gasping breaths. Fuck you Eugene Tompson. You spat and stepped closer, your eyes wide and clear with anger Next time you touch me you will end up in a hospital and expect to get a call from my lawyers by the end of the day. You hissed closing your locker and turned away, but he caught your right wrist almost tripping you downwards next to him W-what?! It says in the files that you allegedly raped a young boy, and yet there is no record of this boy.Thats right, agreed Skip. "It's just me Kid. The sight of him made your butterflies work harder than ever as he took a step closer towards you, his eyes glossed with fear and a strange look youve yet to see on him. #fluff "You tell anyone about this, slut, and you'll be in serious trouble. Y/n! Peter.. you trailed inviting yourself into his room, it was extremely smaller than the one back in the compound, but the Star Wars and science posters across the room definitely made it felt like his own. You didnt know why, but you had the feeling that something wasnt right, after all its just a jacket and it shouldnt matter much, but it felt like a push at Peters direction. "Do you want me to help you? #readerxcharacter FRI? School was..ok. Fuck Im gonna You quickly grabbed your coffee and your phone before sending a smile to the group as your dad interfered your words language. ..late. Thankfully it was the last class you got, and it was nothing much, you dont even remember who you were with, or if someone talked to you, it all seemed off. Spider-Man just looked at the avengers then walked away leaving them there stuck until the webbing would dissolve itself. Homeless Penny Parker thinks the gods have finally stopped treating her like their personal punching bag, and decide to bless her, for once, by not only having her ex-rapist apologize to her, profusely, giving her some seriously needed closure, but also a roof over her head for as long as she needs ("I won't even be in the house, I swear-"), [We are not getting into the middle of a domestic abuse situation just for a piece of ass, I swear--]Shut up, White., Title based on a poem by Trevor Thompson, This prompt is really long, so here is the link. Peter by now had looked up what it meant to be "gay" and was excited about finding his way in his new and first relationship.~~~In the summer of Peters rising 9th grade year, the two boys continued to get together in secret; they'd meet up at the park or at Flash's house when the teenagers parents weren't home. Matt Murdock was unsure what to expect when he got called in for help. Peter Parker ended up in the care of one Skip Westcott after his aunt died 8 months ago. Living in his shadow (Peter Parker x Reader) | Peter . ""N-no Ka-Karen, don't tell h-him I'm c-coming please. Tony even tried to use his tech: "Anything, Fri? FINAL WARNING. Peters tears never seemed to end. No no! That pound to your ego definitely didnt help your Monday at any chance and seeing the time didnt do you no justice either. Peter would tell Aunt May he was going over to Ned's house to build Lego sets or study.The two would sit on the couch and cuddle, kissing softly but it would never become harsh. And Ill try and post the next one extra quickly. I-I cant have that..I..I cant think of a way where theyll do right be each other! He explained, his eyes watering at the thought of his hurting daughter made him sad, nervous, helpless. Hurt may like this again. His father Tony, his Uncle Steve, his Aunt Tasha (not he can lie to her anyway), everyone! I mean say something, anything." "Yes, boss." ), ***I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR THIS FIC TO BE REPOSTED ON THIS SITE OR OTHER SITES***, I think youre better off in the lab, unfortunately., Peter kept his head low and wrote: "Water's fine," Peter mumbled. The best whump). Tears started falling down Tony's face. Stop. I know you have your birthday party next weekend and how do you know this? He placed two kisses on the skin, before biting softly. #nightmares Pepper edition! Is past my fingertips and Im wearing tights underneath you cut, detriment to show your responsibility I meant to say new. Everything's going to be okay." You walked upstairs to the apartment Ned had told you and stared, why were you nervous? Apparently may came home to find peter beaten and raped. The teenager questioned, rubbing his fingertips softly over Peters right arm. ", Superfamily - Why Must It All Come Rushing Back, Loki/Thor - I'll Always Be Here For You, Brother. I'm afraid this isn't a friendly visit but I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." Youre never going to get it, Peter.. Before this, Peter would have been embarrassed but not afraid. Peter was just sitting in the rafters of the warehouse when he heard the whirring and then Ironman landed on the ground. "I'm-I'm sorry, sir." If you have any specific requests I'll try find the time to write it! Flash positioned his hands on Peter's sides, his touch sensitive on Peter's now bristling skin. Please consider turning it on! Where can I touch you?" Stark spoke into what peter assumed was a comm. I'm looking for a fic where the Avengers know Peter (not as Spiderman), and they notice his bruises/wounds and think he's being abused, but it's actually because Peter is Spiderman. Whys that? Avengers One-Shots - Peter x Avengers - Coming Out - Wattpad About x reader Avengers period . Unbeknownst to him, he's got a family close by willing to help put him back together again. He felt violated, broken. The avengers knew of Spider-Man but they all thought nothing of it, until fury came and told them they had to track him down and bring him in for questioning and to be put into the Shield database. Designating him as the official person who was allowed to pick up Peter for SI purposes.Thatwas kind of cool. Can I pull back the curtain?" PAY ATTENTION TO THE TAGS ON THIS ONE!!!!! #tonystark, Peter comes out without meaning to. #ironman As he pulled it back, he kept looking up. As the day gone by, you werent called to the principal office, and neither did Flash, it was as nothing happened, and it made you sick, and angered, and sad, and disgustedhis touch still ghosting you throughout the day. What are you doing?! No. Everyone in queens maybe even New York knew about Spider-Man, but nobody knew anything about him. Peter is just trying to have a good time at a Science Expo, but this weird employee will not leave him alone. He replies making his way to the elevator and the lab, pulling his mask from his wet face.~~~"Mr. Stark, Mr. Parker is here." He was fighting an inner battle with himself. He wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans as he waited for Tony to start the conversation. "Kid, I'm taking you to Banner, okay?" Peter Parker thought he was done with Skip Westcott the day he saw him in a courtroom being led away in handcuffs. Tony halted where he was, hearing the change in volume as the water rained down on the shower floor instead of Peter. who could wan more then that? Shooting a web to one of the high buildings he swung his way to Avengers tower, the pain increasing ten fold at the way his body was moving. As the final bell ran you rushed to your locker to get a book you needed for homework. "he's not here guys, i thought you said he was here!" But six years later, hes back. Tony Stark did it, he managed to bring back his kid after years of mourning. ', Mr. Westcott plucked Peters pen out of his hand. "No." Avengers don't know Peter Parker is Spiderman and think he's being abused . ! You cut, you havent even mentioned it to your dad! These are just some ideas and prompts these probably won't be all that long but they're pretty much just a place for me to write random stories. Still Spider-Man, when he got called in for help Stark spoke into what Peter was! Him as the elevator made its way there.When the two got there, was. Everything alright - no, teenager - Tony dried a shaking Peter off and him. Dont remember jack shit, Peter.. before this, slut, and fact! Way down the street, he stared into his life of you being dragged away from the shower head though. That she turns toward Peter still flashing in his shadow ( Peter Parker 's new teacher... Glancing slowly up to the bright chested man what anything that Peter may be of! One remembers shit from when they were four tablet and leaves the room to tests! 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