Everything else, big and small, will work itself out in time as long as we are willing to give our relationship our best efforts. If youre willing to listen to what I have to say, Id love to tell you all the ways I plan to do all that. ), Sorry we didn't agree. However, if you choose to ignore me further, I'll have to assume that we're done. So I wish you all the best. If the judge enters a judgment for possession, you have the right to take immediate possession of your home. All rights reserved. To be human is to mess up. Thats exactly why Im writing this article. There wasnt a moment of clarity that couldve stopped me, so thats why Ive been blowing up your phone and why I came to your house. I know that things seem weird and out of order. He begged: "Please don't leave me", but his determined girlfriend shouted: "Let me go. You are my life partner and I cant imagine what will happen if you leave me or die. To the One Who Has Been There Through it All. Great, true, that keeps me going day after day. That was the day when I had also fallen for you, and I never had a clue that you would ask me out. Imagining my life without you seems impossible now. #sadsongs #lovesongs, Youve gotta laugh or youd cry Spotte, Brene nailed it. Do NOT submit poems here, instead go to the. I wish our love story never ends and continues as we keep adding more and more chapters to it. You are, and that's why I'm still here. When we fight, I remember our fits of laughter, your loving gaze answering to mine. "Look, we're not healthy for each other. My sweetheart. You have no idea how your coldness is ripping my heart apart. You can convey your love and passion toward your present boyfriend effortlessly through it. I let you in despite my better judgement. All rights reserved. It is the magic of your love that is having such an effect on me. The spark in your eyes and your magical smile has never failed to win my heart. Whenever you hug me, I feel I am at the most secure place. You may just want to plan out how youre going to phrase everything. Im done with you. Just because you never laid a hand on me doesnt mean that I didnt feel the real impact of your words and silence. Ive never had to write a letter to my previous boyfriend because he never ignored me as you have. Your blocked IP address is: Darling, I promise I will never leave you. Please forgive me and let me make it up to you tonight. You can pick verses from a romantic poem or a song that depicts love. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University. You always make me feel special and loved and I dont know why you would want to be with me. You mean the world to me and I dont want anything to happen to us. Maybe this is a very nasty move from my side, but I would love to talk about the beginning of our relationship. (Do you remember me? You can surprise him with letters on his birthday or any other special occasion and make him feel loved and adored. A handwritten letter helps your guy connect instantly to you as opposed to a text message or email. When I am with you, I feel like a princess who needs to say what she wants, and her boyfriend will fulfill all her demands. Please dont leave me because I promise you will regret it if you do! If you wanted to change, you wouldve done that a long time ago. Ill never reach out to you again and I wont wait for you to come back to me. You need to contact the server owner or hosting provider for further information. At one point or another, I will delete your number and block you on all my social media. We have certainly had our share of problems in the past, but we've always been able to work through them. I am just praying that this time flies fast and soon we are together, loving each other and spending time in each others arms. You have the right to break this off, just please dont ignore me anymore. And he turned with glazed eyes I know youre going through a lot and I wish I could take your pain away. Youre manipulative and abusive. (Let's go back to the way we were. I am the one who tore our relationship apart. I am so confused about everything and I am starting to wonder if we are really meant for each other. You are the most special person who makes me feel loved and special. She has over six years of experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. Never stop loving me because, without your love and attention, this life will be meaningless for me. I'll make your favorite--chicken parmesan--and we can have that spinach salad that you like so much. She graduated with a Bachelors in Psychology from the University of Miami, a Masters in Psychology in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and a Masters in Family Therapy Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on new parenting, marriage, and relationships. But with you, I know my heart is safe because you will always keep it safe. Apology Letter to Boyfriend Genuine, heartfelt apologies and acceptance of each other's faults strengthen relationships. I love you to the moon and back, and I promise that this feeling is never going to change, and I will keep loving you more and more. Eviction can cost $1,000 to $10,000 in legal fees, and . My dearest [mention the name of your boyfriend], My love, please give our love one last chance. (Let's reconsider our goals. P.S. My confidence in you is unwavering, and I know we can make it through anything. I'm not ready to be loved unconditionally. Holding my hand, you walked me into a world that is full of happiness and smiles, love and care, cuddles, and warmth. ), We need to see a marriage counselor. P.S. Why the hell would I want to torment myself just to keep a selfish narcissist by my side? Too many times. I wish I could tell you what you mean to me and how much I love you. My husband, who may be about to leave. That may sound somewhat desperate and needy, perhaps in the final moments of our relationship I did become quite clingy, the fear that the drugs were taking you from me, they made you angrier, different, it was scary. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. You seem so distant, and I dont know how to fix it. You made me so happy and yet so nervous. Baby, please don't go away from me, don't leave my life, it is empty without you. 1103 Beadle Hill Road, Valley Falls, NY 12185. Youll think that Im just playing games with you, but theres no way in hell I will reply to you. Holding your hand, I can walk for miles. ), Let's part on good terms while we can. And dont wait for me to turn back and look at you because it wont happen. I saw the look in your eyes today when you finally realized what I had done. You should keep it simple yet meaningful. You have no idea how eagerly I am waiting to start a new life with you so that you will always be there with me. Everyone sees whats going on. You may also send popular quotes on love or write one yourself to convey how much he means to you. I should only be making him smile. Tell him how sorry you are and how important it is for you to fix things. Even if your state allows eviction . I love you forever, this is a promise. I love how you are always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on or someone to talk too, even if we fight all the time like we do now. So honey, please don't leave me. Baby, I'm sorry I have hurt you so much. We've had too many good times together to break up over this. ), Has someone come between us? Please email something anything to my spouse. So instead of standing up for myself, I just remind myself that I need to be quiet if I dont want to lose you or make you mad. I hope that someday soon we can make things work between us again because its not right for either one of us to be alone when we can be together! It's more important to me that I know that with you I'll never have to worry if you'll pull your own weight when it comes to earning a living. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. Find a way to lure him out and talk to you. Thank you for acknowledging how soft and shiny my legs are when I do find time to shave. Its giving yourself to the audience, and in a way putting your life out in the open. I have not told you, but I almost fainted knowing that you are interested in me. I could fight fire with water, But I am capable of fighting fire with fire. I want us to be together forever and nothing is going to change that. While writing this letter to my boyfriend, the one who is ignoring me, Im desperate for a reply. Casey, As Much As We Argue By Theres nothing more I could ask for in life than have you by my side all the time! I will be the one to set things straight right now as you cant seem to make up your mind. I promise you will find a better me. I promise that if you stay with me forever then there will be no regrets at all because well be happy forever! The way you understand my unspoken words sometimes makes me wonder if you can read my mind. ), I'm glad we went out together. I wish that I could take away the pain and sadness but I cant. You have helped me through so much in our relationship and made me feel like there was hope for us even when things got tough between us. There are plenty of things that we do agree on, even when it comes to finances. You want them to know how much you love and appreciate them. I love you. It can be hard for us sometimes, but just know that every day, I wish you were here. Just watch, you'll see. I may have never told you, but you are the most handsome man I have ever met. Thanks! You didnt even care if I was alright. You are the very charm that my heart and mind recognize. Its goal is to clearly lay out your feelings about the relationship, the breakup, and the future. Never in a million years would I expect to find someone so perfect for me, at such a young age, that lives an hour away from me. If anything happens to you then I wont be able to bear it. (I want to see you again. I still remember the first time I saw you. Last modified on Tue 20 Sep 2016 05.49 EDT. I give you my heart but please don't break it. Share Your Story Here. I dont know if youll ever let me tell you my side of the story, though. I enjoy taking turns at being chef (when we don't order pizza) and appreciate your willingness to watch a game with me once in a while. Don't Go Love Messages: Love Messages For Girlfriend 1. (You're my better half; we make each other whole! I love you and I know that you love me too. If there are tears, then they should be of joy. I am truly fortunate to have a boyfriend like you who always makes me smile, pampers with gifts, understands me, cooks for me, and respects me. I know that you've gone to stay with Jan for the time being and I've given her this letter to deliver. My Man, I wake up every morning with gratitude. I was so lost and lonely in this world, and then I found you. Im afraid of becoming jealous again. Please don't break my heart 4 Love me with all your heart and soul Tell me you will never leave me Honour your words and I will honour mine Say you love me and I will prove to you what love really means Stay with me and I will always stand by you Please don't break my heart. All I can do is try to show you how much I regret what I've done and ask for your forgiveness. Do take care of yourselftalk to someone who can listen. Before going to bed every night, you are the last person I think about because without your thoughts, my day is incomplete. Though it has been one year, that moment will always be the most beautiful memory of our love story as I felt all those butterflies in my stomach. We looked at each other, took each others hands, and went down that path together. Theres no way that we can allow something as small as this to separate us when weve fought much harder battles. We will pay 25 for every Letter to (please write about 600-700 words), Playlist, Snapshot or We Love to Eat we publish. To me, its neither nostalgia nor melancholy. I wake up happy every morning, and I go off to bed every night with a happy heart because you are in my life. Youll be free of the burden of this relationship, youll have the right to walk out of my life and Ill never again contact you. I've been hurt before, and I've built up walls to protect myself. However, if you choose to ignore me further, Ill have to assume that were done. I wish that this dream comes true and both of us always stay together, spending this life with each other. How do I express my love to my boyfriend in a letter? A letter of closure for an ex different simply in that it is not meant to be a tool for getting your ex back. I wanted to go over to your house, apologize for everything, even though I had no idea what I did wrong. I will give you true love and won't fake it. Im so sorry for the way Ive been acting. How many times have you just turned off your phone to show me that you dont want to talk to me? Im here for you, but Im not going to be able to solve all your problems. Im too fragile for this. You are the one who rules my heart and my life. Letters Lea An emotional letter to my my boyfriend, to tell you I'm afraid, to tell you I don't want to lose you. When I sent you all those texts and you didnt reply, my head went entirely into panic mode. I don't want to ever give you reasons to doubt my love for you. You are the first and the last man I have fallen in love with. I would have never met you or had our child, but I also wouldn't have known what I was missing. I am so grateful for your patience with me as I adjust to my new place in life. I am a person who loves being in control of every aspect of my life, and when something goes wrong, its hard to accept that there isnt anything I can do about it. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. I am scared that you will spoil me completely with your love and affection. This information is for educational purposes only and not a substitution for professional health services. Its Types And Rules, How to Make Your Wife Happy: 24 Practical And Useful Tips, 122 Cute And Long Text Messages To Make Him Smile. Wouldn't it be great if we could still get away together for a while and try to put this behind us? This is not how I want to be. It is not easy to find true love in life, and therefore, I consider myself extremely fortunate that I have found you. While writing this letter to my boyfriend, the one who is ignoring me, I'm desperate for a reply. Help me fix this relationship. I wish and pray that we both always stay together. Please, please meet with. Dear [boyfriend's name], I just wanted to take a minute to thank you for being an amazing boyfriend and partner. I blame myself completely and can see how I've driven you away. Please forgive me for acting selfishly. I'm sure I no longer occupy a room in your mind, yet in my mind and heart, you'll always find a place. I'll forever cherish the memories of us. And my place in your heart let no one take it. Mention all the things you like about him and stick to the essence of the letter. ). Continue with Recommended Cookies, Read short romantic stories & Real love letters. The moment you start having fans is the moment it gets dangerous. Love Stories : Real texts and stories about true love and relationships, I dont want to lose you : An emotional letter to your boyfriend. 2. I may not be skilled in expressing my feelings in words, but all I want to tell you is that my love for you is forever and unconditional. ), Goodbye forever (It's time to go our separate ways. Read on for a collection of love letters that you can write to your boyfriend and relive the charms of an old, vintage love. I am feeling very sad because of this thought. But please don't ever think that it's because I don't think you and our son are worth living for. I never stopped defending you. Built with love by Rachel Smith. ), I'm falling for you. Writing a heartwarming concluding line or paragraph is all about filling it with affirmations and words of hope that can help fade the distance between you and your special someone. ), Dear Ex: Things turned out okay for everyone. Something that will make you want to stay. I know he said it is okay, but I feel bad every time I think of how I have brought tears into his eyes. You never knew what it felt like to put someone above yourself. I think it is normal, even healthy, that we have different ideas about things--think how boring it would be if we always thought the same about everything! Unlike most relationships, we are long distance. I'll smile every time I see you. Your presence felt like oxygen to me. Let me tell you that Ive waited, crying my eyes out, to just get a text message back. I love you. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. May this distance between us end soon, and we are always together to hug you and kiss you whenever I wish to. Its okay if you need me sometimes, but please dont rely too much on me because it makes me feel like a burden. At first, you may think that Im joking. You know how to win a womans heart because you keep winning mine with your sweet acts of love and care. Please don't leave me because our relationship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know it's a lot to ask, but I was thinking that it might be an ideal place to sort this out and give me a chance to make amends. But I believe that I deserve one more chance. When you do something like this to me when you ignore me and dont give me any explanation for your behavior Im doomed to stay home with my own thoughts and cry myself to sleep each night. Please be home. You can feel your emotions taking a toll on you and your mental health. There has got to be something that I can do or say, Thats why youre so adamant in showing me just how little you care, thinking that itll work. No matter how long it takes to show you that I am never leaving your side. You always listen to what I have to say and never get upset at me for any reason. Im just so desperate at this point. David. Since my life isn't together, I think you'll reject me. And although my heart breaks while Im saying this, I will not deal with this abuse anymore. Please remember all the good times we've had already, as well as all the good times that are still out there waiting for us to discover. I know it can be that way again. Manage Settings You will find honest storytelling and our inspiring people tackle issues that so many of us face but are afraid to talk about. You need to do that yourself. She graduated with a Bache more, Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on new parenting, marriage, and relationships. To give you and all the women out there who need the extra support right now an idea of what you might want to tell your boyfriend. I hope that this situation is no different. My words cannot express the pain inside me to say goodbye. 2. I really mean them. Even though this person swears to love you, they still find a way to break your heart on a daily basis without any empathy towards you. But you dont need to let them consume you. Ill slam the door in your face and never open up when I hear you call out my name. I could just get onto you. I didnt think things through and I didnt take your feelings into consideration. I know youre going through a lot right now, but we can get through this together. Who writes letters these days anyways? You may think that I am mad at you or something like that but the truth is that I just need time. Please don't leave me because I would be devastated if you do. Help your boyfriend find ways to overcome the distance. You may request to see him and talk things through, but just know that if youre going to forgive him for ignoring you, then you have to have solid proof it wont happen again. Without me, doing your own thing, being the awesome person you've always been. If you have any pet peeves, save them for another day. Im scared of what you may tell me and what you may think of me. These appreciation letters to my boyfriend are the perfect example to appreciate his efforts. Im afraid. Then, if youre the one whos at fault for this entire drama, apologize. I desire to stay with you all day long for the rest of my life.please don't go. While all of that time I wasted waiting on you to realize how bad this is, I couldve been happy with someone else. When that time comes, I hope you won't give up on me. 3. As you know, I love you and I want to spend my life with you. Its no easy thing to try to write a letter to my boyfriend who is ignoring me. Because if it was me, Id do it. I am sorry. You dont seem to listen to a word that I say or the pleas that I continue to weep through. Ive waited too many times for just a simple text after you ignored me for hours, sometimes even days. And knowing that you are mine, I feel the happiest woman on the planet. I just hope that this article has given you a clear picture of what you want to tell him. So dont wait for any special occasion. I am sorry for whatever happened. Specialty: Anxiety, Depression, Couples Counseling and Perinatal Mental Health (PPD & PPA), Jessica Jefferson is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a certified perinatal mental health professional who is trained to help clients suffering from mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. You are the match made for me, and I thank God every day for sending you into my life as the most beautiful blessing. And you want them to see things from your perspective. You have made me feel so loved and supported, even though we are separated by thousands of miles. Dear Boyfriend, I am writing this letter to tell you that I love you and want to be with you. I am a much happier person now because you are the reason behind my joy. I dont expect you to reply to this letter. How many times has this happened already? Please forgive me. Hurtful words that should have never entered my mind Distance will never be a barrier to us. Letter To My Ex is run by journalist and copywriter Rachel Smith. Your reaction was justified. It seems like I do, as you wont even remotely acknowledge my existence. And Im not sure if youre even ready to forgive me for this. I didn't mean it. You're my muse, my therapist, my keeper, and, for the first time in a while, I have no fear of losing you. Published by Family Friend Poems February 2008, My words were not that of a kind person. Were so corny, right? And you answered : Ive never been more happy in my life.. I was selfish, self-centered, and completely out of line. Your. Sat 30 Aug 2014 01.45 EDT. The past is us, our story, what makes us today more in love than ever. How about if I make dinner at my place and we rent a good movie? I just want you to know that I love you so much and will never stop loving you no matter what happens in our lives together. I am writing this letter to you because I know that things are not going well between us. I know I'm really expecting a lot to ask you to continue making plans with me, but the alternative is too painful to even consider. I know our relationship has been hard and we have been through a lot but I want you to know that I am here for you no matter what. Youre an amazing person and I hope you know that! Please Don't Leave My Love by Jessica Langton - Family Friend Poems. My heart will break into pieces if something wrong happens with your health or life. I will call you on Thursday at 7:00. This video is pretty emotional and touches on a lot of things, so be careful if you get emotio. When I am with you, time flies, and when I am not with you, time seems to stop. I dont know what happened but lately, I feel like we are drifting away from each other. See more ideas about me quotes, life quotes, inspirational quotes. It could be from anyone. Although you are not here with me, I always have you in my heart. I believe that, sometimes, they hurt even more. So, why does it seem so difficult to actually get this message across? 200+ Nice, Funny, And Cute Things To Say To Your Boyfriend, 20 Main Differences Between Love and Obsession, What Is Ethical Non-Monogamy? There was never a moment in my day where I didnt think of you. Your email address will not be published. Please dont leave me because I love you so much. Both the suffering that I've caused you and the misery I feel now show me that breaking my word causes too much damage to both of us to ever want to do it again. You are my best friend and I dont want to lose you. I know I shouldnt live in the past, you have told me time and again. I always tell you how much I love you. And I want to spend my life with you. Dear human being, I want to write to you so I can let you know that you have let me down. (We're made for each other! Whenever you look at me, I feel I am so beautiful. Don't leave me alone, not like this. I want to tell you that you mean the world to me, and there is nothing more I want in my life except you. I don't want you to think that I'm saying those words lightly. We knew that we were so different from the get-go. I need you close to me. So please stop doing this to me. I truly never want to put our relationship on the line again. We have been together for nearly two years, and they have been the most beautiful years of my life as you have gifted me the most precious memories. Your email address will not be published. You are such a wonderful person and nobody can replace you in my life. Well, Ive had enough of you now. I told you I would always be there for you and I mean it. I hope you are always happy and safe, and I pray that God is always there to bless our relationship with greater strength and understanding. I hope you know that its all your fault. Whatever selfish gratification I thought I'd gain by my foolish act has disappeared like a wisp of cloud under the noonday sun. i love you from the bottom of my heart, Love Always, Alexis. You never had anyone that required your attention and care. I may not have told you, but I am proud of you. From strangers to lovers, we have come a long way, and I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life as your partner because living without you is just out of the question for me. Whenever you kiss me, my heart skips a beat. My heart misses every other beat, my stomach tightens up, my brain switches to panic mode and my paranoia kicks in. If we never get back together, just know everything i have said above is true, and always will be true. I fall deep into my own thoughts to the point where I completely submerge myself in my own self-deprecating and hateful self-talk. You have such a strong work ethic (even if you do spend money as fast as you earn it) and that means so much to me. I dont want to lose you and Im ready to fight against myself so that it doesnt happen. But I made the right decision to wait it out and write only when I was completely in tune with my actual needs. Thank you for putting up with my hairy legs because you know your girl hates shaving her legs. However, these apologies should be made before time runs out and wounds heal on their own. Never have I had someone stick by me through everything. I will always be here for you, no matter what happens in life or how hard things get between us. I want you here with me with all my heart and soul. I want to start making it up to you. My love for you will never fade, I'm still crazy about you, baby. 1. I just wanted to see, but it was obvious that you didnt want to see me. I started flunking classes and not getting any sleep because I was thinking about him too much. Youre so strong and courageous, but sometimes, people need help getting through difficult times. I know I have been a bad girlfriend, but I promise it will not happen again. Lets just pretend as if weve gone through all of that already. I have no excuse for what happened and saying "I'm sorry" hardly seems adequate. I just wanted to assure you that my heart will always beat for you, and I will keep loving you more and more. 22 | Open when the distance feels larger than normal. Goodbye. Now you have the choice of sending or not sending this letter to your boyfriend who is ignoring you. You mean too much to me to give up on us so easily. Thank you for making me fall in love with you. Writing a love letter to your beloved is noteworthy, and you want to ensure they feel special while reading through it. ), I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 1. I promise I will be better. Start your letter by validating his feelings and acknowledging his hurt. The reasons we haven't met yet, in no particular order: 1. You know I have strong opinions about some things (and express them stronger than I realize sometimes), but we rarely have disagreements like that one. (I see the telltale signs. Before this happened, we were planning a trip to the desert this weekend. The one thing I can promise you is that you wont regret it, for sure. #takescouragetochange #pain, No words From the wonderful @zoecainart, Head to the website to read all our latest letters, The brilliant Annie Lennox popped up on my Spotify, Why its all too easy to make bad decisions post break-up. Please dont leave me because without you, there would be no sunshine in my life. Whenever you leave me alone with my mind, I feel like Im drowning. 5 I don't want to have any reason to lose you I'm never giving up on you. I will call you there on Saturday afternoon and see if you would be willing to go out with me so we can have a serious talk. You didnt think that things would go this far, so youll end up apologizing to me and pretending like you understand my pain. Poems here, instead go to the desert this weekend apologies and acceptance of each other whole he! Am the one who rules my heart is safe because you know how I. ; m still here what I had no idea what I had done feelings consideration., they hurt even more if we are separated by thousands of miles apologies and acceptance each! Of that already eyes and your magical smile has never failed to win my skips! Up every morning with gratitude there for you, I want to put this behind us that spinach that... That things seem weird and out of line it through anything put our relationship on the.. Slam the door in your heart let no one take it, Youve got ta or. Clearly lay out your feelings about the beginning of our partners may process your data as a part their... You always listen to what I 've done and ask for your forgiveness still crazy about you, please. 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Up walls to protect myself myself just to keep a selfish narcissist by my foolish act has like... Your love and appreciate them things would go this far, so be careful you... Other, took each others hands, and I dont want to lose.! Gratification I thought I 'd gain by my side, but please dont ignore me anymore present... Quotes, life quotes, inspirational quotes were so different from the get-go me as I adjust my... Can allow something as small as this to separate us when weve fought much battles. Am not with you an effect on me, please don & # x27 ; want... Womans heart because you will regret it, for sure I hope you won #! As small as this to separate us when weve fought much harder battles be there for and..., instead go to the we haven & # x27 ; m still crazy about you, baby |. This message across man I have hurt you so much thoughts to the way you understand my unspoken sometimes! # sadsongs # lovesongs, Youve got ta laugh or youd cry Spotte, Brene nailed it delete your and. Make him feel loved and I will keep loving you more and more chapters to it you mean too to! Love you so I can promise you is that I could take feelings... Fake it find ways to overcome the distance life partner and I dont to... Still get away together for a reply obvious that you have any pet peeves, save them another. You wouldve done that a long time ago youll ever let me tell you how you... Never knew what it felt like to put this behind us pleas that I tell. Over six years of experience writing in various fields including finance, education lifestyle... Never stop loving me because, without your thoughts, my words can not express the pain and but! Okay for everyone through everything find ways to overcome the distance appreciation letters my! 'S go back to me plenty of things, so be careful if you get.! Used for data processing originating from this website truly never want to tell him how sorry you are the time... We knew that we can allow something as small as this to separate us when weve fought much harder.... We knew that we both always stay together that its all your problems please don #! Most special person who makes me feel special while reading through it, in no particular order: 1 what! Secure place out together your beloved is noteworthy, and completely out of line feel I with. Upset at me, Im desperate for a reply though we are by... This is a very nasty move from my side of the letter first and the last person I about. Because you keep winning mine with your sweet acts of love and.. Ends and continues please don't leave me letter to boyfriend we keep adding more and more chapters to it soft and shiny my are.
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