Anita Ebhodaghe is a reserved and quiet person, so you will not find many rumors about her love life (apart from the ones we've covered before), her wealth or her mansions (if she even has any). Wow a trillion likes for that Eye-opener. Bitter water and sweet water does not mix together. In one of his works, he stated that men were meant to be masters, while women were supposed to serve them. Although you 'sounded like God' suggesting who would go to hell in the case of Pst Chris and Pst Anita! Going through this process will assist clients with moving forward to achieve their goals. Note this happens in isolated cases when the pastor husband wants to get freedom to 'roam or exploit' the world. I for one I do not think I can do it, talk less of doing it for so long. We love Pastor Chris and no one, i repeat, no one, in life in death, from wherever, will change that! Apart from the devotional, the couple co-wrote a lot of Christian books. Have physical contact with your wife. its an effort in futility. @promise Yes it will spread that the scripture will be fulfilled: wide is the road that leads to destruction and many are they that find it. You and your likes thinks Pst Anita can be bullied on social media; but I dare you to go to the UK and see whether you will not be disgraced. Carissa is a gospel singer and songwriter. You've always handled the rumours and the stories with grace and dignity - and we love you for that. So why should Pst Anita put her life and ministry at stake by living a life of lie to the world thar there is a subsisting marriage just to please people like you? God's grace will remain sufficient for you. Open navigation menu Evangelistic Ministries of Anita Martir Rivera Mailing address: PO Box 218, Schertz, TX 78154 The Day of the Lord is at hand. She did not abandon her parishioners entirely. Over a year after she divorced her husband over domestic abuse allegations, the [] A big lesson for anyone who want his or her marriage to succeed. How could you? We would love to see more pictures of the immaculate outfits she is famous for. The message we need in this generation is the message of the cross. She eventually became a member of the executive staff of the mega church. How can you insult a woman of God. I wish you had any integrity at all to declare the word & judgement to the one who actually DIVORCED THE WIFE OF HIS YOUTH FOR 16 YEARS & spiritualized it with "ministry". New report from says Pastor Anita Oyakhilome, the former wife of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy, has remarried. Sexual abstinence is commanded before marriage, but after marriage, God wants the husband and wife to enjoy sex because that is the primary reason that He created it. Gate am of heaven. 'CSO' as her fans call her, was born on August 11, 1993. Who/what are we following? The hand writing was on the wall for do long but die hard fans of pastor Chris failed to see. Having a life solution coach by your side will support you to help you connect to who you are, and help you recognise your strengths to create change in your own life. Do not feel too big to say I am sorry, I love you e.t.c. But because its him, they are like, Yeepaaa! Thank you pastor Anita for standing on the truth a refusing to live a lie! I can only wonder at the post of some people here. August 16, 2015 - Pastor Anita Changes Name To Maiden Name Ebhodaghe, Says Chris Oyakhilome Abused Her, Tells Women To Stop Being Afraid Of Change Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's estranged wife, Anita has changed her name. Charlene's mother . The Pastor Chris Digital Library is a mobile platform that let's users access hundreds of audio . Phillips also serves as host of the light podcast. Yet, this tool, hated by God and by man, is what Pastor Chris uses.I have said that gullibility and hypocrisy are the problem of the African! Pastor Anita please live your life to the fullest. If a person says something is not true, does that cause you to go ranting like a silly person!. Anita Carol Hill (born 1951) is a LGBT American minister in the Lutheran Church. A people that employ lies to achieve their purpose are satanic. until they stop it the issue their pastors committing adultery and fornication will not stop. It is surprising that the marriage between Anita and Chris lasted so long. It is satanic. Learn more about Anita's life from our Rev. If you remarry after your spouse was unfaithful, this is an extenuating circumstance and God would not condemn anyone for this. . While I am sure God will see you through this difficult phase and strengthen you for the journey ahead. 7. Although you 'sounded like God' suggesting who would go to hell in the case of Pst Chris and Pst Anita! A lady who used to be in your Rapsody of realities mnthly! Pastor Anita is the first daughter of an Italian/Swiss mom and a Nigerian father. Jesus said the only reason that divorce was permitted was because of the hardness of humans hearts but this was not done in the beginning (Matt. GO AND DONT RETURN BUT GOD WILL SUPPORT HIM AND THE MINISTRY. Anita was also a member of the governing body of the church called the Central Executive Council. I feel sorry for you. My advise to men. With the way the men of God are going I'm beginning to doubt Christianity. Keep radiating the glory of God in you irrespective of the circumstance. A false life? Who is begging ur foolishness? Note this happens in isolated cases when the pastor husband wants to get freedom to 'roam or exploit' the world. A representative from Grace Family has now publicly accused him of being an unrepentant adulterer. She is the CEO of Juanita Bynum Enterprises, a multi-faceted lifestyle and empowerment product company based in New York. How many times was thier a program in UK and PC will be holed up in one hotel and the wife in another. I don't even pray for my enemy to witness such. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. Asides the church with over diverse members, his has monetary interests in magazine, newspaper, TV station, satellite TV, record label, real estate and . Listen along as she talks to special guests and everyday callers about thriving in love, life, and relationships. When I read such stories like this, I begin to ask myself lots of question. Together they gave birth to 2 beautiful daughters - Charlyn and Sharon. The scripture is clear on who God is, what he wants and what he approves. Nor subjection to abuse! All mentioned above in your view may not be enough to justify divorce proceedings, but all Pst Anita's demand and attempt to make the marriage work was scorned by Pst Chris until the marriage broke down irretrievably. In this case, divorcing from them might have proven tragic. Who is ths'God of man' that's being referred to here? In this generation, the biggest test we face is not Islam or Illuminati or the totally twisted world out there. Yes, I believe in prayers and I don't support divorce but d question is- must a partner die in a marriage because God abhors divorce? Separation is permissible where spousal abuse occurs or where children are endangered by one of the parties because the higher moral law is to protect children and, in most cases, women from abusive husbands and fathers. My advice to those spreading rumours. You nailed it! APP.WOW..can't wait to download. How a blog to refute a false claim can generate so much hatred. My work is in counsellingand helping people who are dealing with stress, abuse, bereavement, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, loneliness, trauma, lack of energy or motivation. Majority of divorce comes from us men. Pastor , I hope you able to read this .. Pastor Anita is originally from Nigerian but currently resides in the United Kingdom. Anita met Pastor Oyakhilome as an undergraduate of English Language at Ambrose Alli University, formerly known as Edo State University, Ekpoma in Edo State. They got to know each other while she was studying at the University and the couple finally got married in Lagos. Two years later, the divorce was final. I pray those abusing her will get to know what really happen. His teaching is base on creating one's world with the mouth, faith confession which is not of God if it happens to be the object of one's faith, does it mean he didn't apply the same principle before his marriage finally hits the rock? I am Anita. pastor anita williams bio - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. I feel sorry for those who'd been succesfully deceived by your divorce cock and bull story! And continue in your wonder land! Period!! She is not a Christian. So I am wondering why some are saying dilly things here. Side talks, does no harm to a ministry that was founded on Love, and prayer! From Promise statement, you can deduce one with spirit of strife and hate. 7:32-36). Pst Chris took his husband duties outside the matrimonial home and for many years deceived the world that the marriage works. His foot prints of adultery can be hidden from our eyes but cannot be hidden from the Creator's eyes.Keep boasting instaed of helping him repent.I see you going down with him.Terrible thing.I am utterly shocked.I only can imagine what this woman went through in his hands and suffered silently hmmmm, But she is still called Anita Oyakhilome on the website. Repent my friend and seek God's mercy, before it's too late for you. Do you remember Omonike Akinyosoye from Ire-Akari estate, Isolo? After all said and done, Christ Embassy, is spreading and standing strong! How gracious is that, even though she was knew what she was going through. Christians who know other people that are not saved or other Christians who have been divorced and remarried should be forgiving and not judgmental. Good day! Pst Precious I like your reply.full of wisdom People can do anything to earn cheap publicity. The truth is, WE DON'T BELIEVE YOUR LIES ON PASTOR CHRIS ADULTERY ALLEGATION! Any additional statement concerning me will be issued by my Solicitors, who are my legal representatives so please do not be deceived. Nothing? September 22, 2016. All I can say for now is it is well. A Wonderous Lineage. Dr. Anita Phillips (born in the 1970s) is an American public speaker and mentalist. Date of birth: December 7, 1963. I never foresee the divorce coming , it hurts me so much because here in Europe it affected lots of marriages as well , I personally lost my wife as well because the words she used is that if Rev Anita can divorce why can't we that are members , and know other leaders here in Europe that are divorced or going through that presently Edwin, you have said it all. Some of the exceptions have already been mentioned. Oh we have become fools or little children who knows nothing. This week I am speak to Anita Mackenzie. 10. Learn from their mistake please don't stay in Abuja or Washington and your spouse is in Sidney or Sokoto, it will be just a matter of time and the inevitable will happen!! It only shows you are from one of the so called CEC member of Pastor Chris. IT BEATS MY IMAGINATION) However, we should forgive them. Now those who want to deceive themselves can continue to do so on their own and not pull down others along with them. She was also a registered trustee of BLW in the UK and Nigeria. It will not be displayed until it is approved. An adage says ' the shits under wealth stinks '. But of course you cant. The wife is seeking divorce on the grounds of . We are with you in prayers always. It was put there to be used by the same God you call on . The dissolution of the marriage between Christ Embassy Church founder, Pastor Christian Oyakhilome, and his wife, Rev. I wonder how many people on this platform can say they are without sin yet they know that God hates divorce. One currently seated bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) participated in her ordination along with three retired bishops, nearly 200 clergy persons, and over 1,100 others in an extraordinary show of support for the ordination of gay and lesbian . Anita Oyakhilome Biography, Age. "(Galatians 6:1 NIV). Senior Pastor of the Loma Linda University SDA Church (2000+);pastor;chaplain;counselor (family therapist);Assoc. MOG cannot live with his family but instead visits the UK and stay in hotels when you have a beautiful wife, daughters and even nice house? Why won't they believe you? We should esteem it very highly and as a divine institution. We were all part of CE for many years, so we were once like you, but have been made free from the shackles of the man of God!. Pastor Anita, Please answer me, Should Christians keep anger for long, and hold to a grudge? By Pastor Anita Latin | 2022-04-29T06:21:15-07:00 December 1st, 2021 | The Importance of Community By Pastor Anita Latin | 2022-04-29T06:21:15-07:00 November 15th, 2021 | Chris Oyakhilome's Age: 59 years old. As you judge so you will be judged - everyone should remember that. On April 9, 2014, she filed for divorce. All these years she never talked about her former husband in a bad way. You should know your husband better in this regard! It could be because her divorce with a famous pastor Chris Oyakhilome was finalized more than a year ago. And these have nothing to do with money, fame or materialism. It is well. May God help His children from falsehood in the mighty name of Jesus. Word for promise. Pastor Chris and Anita Oyakhilome are undergoing divorce proceedings. A lot of Senior pastors including CEC currently have broken homes but no one knows for material reasons; all Pst Chris siblings have gone through divorce, a lot of church staff provide 'extra marital relief' if you know what I mean. The divorce of Pastor Chris and Pastor Anita Oyakhilome of the Christ Embassy was one of the most talked about stories of the year and now everyone is - You are beautiful, humble and a class act, I have NO doubt that you'll be just fine.ignore the distractions and remain focused on Christ. How is a matter too high for Gods children I would ask? If the woman wasn't called by God why did he ordained her as pastor. Anita Oyakhilome biography would not be complete without talking about her life as a free woman. Those asking you to not tolerate contrary views should realize that it is the same phenomenon which made Christ embassy a place where people are bullied, because they won't tolerate any thing that disagrees with Pst Chris. She is famous for her paradigm-shifting insights at the intersection of mental health, spirituality, and culture. Summarily, let's pray for this family instead of castigating(mainly pst.Anita). We know that Anita Pastor had been residing in Hallandale, Broward County, Florida 33009. The crusades done in Lagos and Abuja over the weekend was a show of shame, very much unlike Christ Embassy of those days. He is the son of Elder T.E Oyakhilome and Angelina. This got me wondering as to the kind of bible they uses in CE, all the characters in the Bible were they not men and women of God. (Article by Jack Wellman) Does the Bible Address the Issue of Divorce? Paul would says that for the unmarried it is better not to marry and to the widows and unmarried, he thinks it best not to remarry but not everyone can handle being single because if they are continually tempted sexually, then its better to marry than to burn with passion (1 Cor. They had two daughters. I am proud of you pastor Anita ,God knows it all. Again the word says " Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, YOU WHO LIVE BY THE SPIRIT should RESTORE that person GENTLY. And anyone who has a problem with that can go and take a long walk off a short pier! degree in Business Administration from the former William Tyndale College of Farmington, Michigan. Through her testimony, my eyes have been opened to see that even THE ANOINTED can be SELFISH & WICKED to other pple. In the species of women you are not counted to be special. Regardless, we would like tell you more about Pastor Chris and Anita Oyakhilome biography pre- and post-divorce. Experience joy Identify strengths Surface wisdom Build skillsets All i see as long as the church is concerned since you left is SPREADING, GROWING AND INCREASING! God bless you! It is more than likely that the same rhetoric worked in their house as well. The fact that the lady is silent and has not uttered a single word must never be taken for nativity or weakness. This is a clear case of religiosity, which is the spirit of rebellion, the woman of Babylon. If ur husband did must you follow? Yea! The usual PC denied this for so long even in the face of staggering reality. God has not abandon you thus far and will not now. Promise, your post amazes me. Do you think that the person that the individual involved is not going through the pain and hurt?. Did this particular blog mention anything like that?. Cowards, if you truly have the Spirit of God, you will not seek to intimidate the abused, rather you will confront the anointed abuser. Just believe this. I love you dearly. 7:39). It is the age of the great fallen away. Accusing someone of Adultery with no proof and evidence to the general public is scam from you! I really cannot blame the members. Also to her credit is Distinction in Public Administration from California South University, USA. Joined CE in Benin in 1994 and went on to start BLW at Ife. The reports will state that millions of people were in attendance. Posting lies about a situation is awkward. I pray Pauls prayer to the Ephesians for you, that the eyes of your understanding may be flooded with light! Pastor Anita Ebhodaghe Oyakhilome was a pioneer member of the Christ Embassy Church and Vice President of the Believer's LoveWorld Inc. She was also the Pastor in charge of the church's United Kingdom branches. Things seemed nice and quiet, until 2014 came around. Even before divorce, Anita and her two daughters lived in London, away from Chris. God bless Anita. You can find her at and read her blog on After all, lie is the foundation of sin; a tool that devil has been using ever before there was anything called divorce. Where ongoing, unrepentant adultery is occurring, divorce is allowed as Jesus taught. You can do something to change the pain by overlooking every obstacle, take control as a force of nature to grow and expand. thank you pastor Anita for clarifying the rumours as many in CE gets deceived easily and just do as they are told as if they are zombies. Selah, True. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome got married to Anita Ebhodaghe on February 2, 1991, and they had two daughters namely Sharon and Charlyn Oyakhilome.. Pastor Anita filed for divorce on April 9, 2014, at the Central Family Court in London. This was where she became a born-again Christian. Anita was in CE why did he not challenge her anointing Pastor Anita you should not have given him the honour of publishing his statement. And to that Mr, coming here to talk thrash may God forgive you already! God hates divorce but He still loves divorced people. Anita has written many Christian books with her former husband like, among which are: Dont Pack Your Bags Yet, Confession For living, a Handbook For Successful Living, Unending Springs of Joy, and many more. GO ANITA AND GO FOR LIVE!!!!!!!!!. Sepanjang tahun awal tahun 1980an hingga 2003, dia ialah kawan baik kepada Leslie Cheung, yang juga . Pastor Chris got married in 1991 to Anita Ebhodaghe and the couple was married for 25 years until their divorce on the 8th of February 2016. Prior to his controversial divorce, Pastor Chris was happily married to Anita Oyakhilome. By allowing such pedestrian comments on her blog shows the kind of person Pastor Anita is. When people talk about marriage like this it makes me feel sad. The first thing God started showing me was seeing the light going off whenever pastor is preaching, sudden darkness in the church especially around him, a revelation I reported to them several times but what they did with it was totally theirs then after that God gave me the shocked of my life when He told me to stop listening to pastor Chris if I really want the truth- it took me some time of struggle before I could yield to it because I had his channel on all of my gadgets, picking anyone of them then it was pastor Chris if you know what i mean but my deliverance from whether spell I will call it finally came when I heard about their divorce issue, in fact the news caster who broke the news then received the greatest insult and abused of her life. She did this , she did thatbut when it comes to their 'God of men' you hear 'I did not send him, I cannot judge him' . They have two beautiful daughters, Charlyn and Sharon Oyakhilome. I won't say much more on this because everyone can see it but they kept quiet. Reason is I love my wife. No peace for the wicked! Someone even said that Christ Embassy has been growing in leaps and in bounds since Pastor Anita departed.another lie and propaganda from the pit of hell! What are you teaching other women in the vineyard? Without physical contact your marriage is finished. Steeped in Biblical wisdom and always quick with a joke, Philip is the senior pastor of Kindred Community Church and dynamic speaker on the national media program, Know The Truth. Woman of God, retain your God-given peace and forget about these wolves in sheep's clothing. It sure is well by His grace. We need people like you who speak the truth boldly. A reference to David in the bible ,a man after God's heart still committed adultery. The world may seem to sway and shift beneath your feet. It must have been tough to keep singing the praises of someone that hurts you so badly. If Pst Chris can cool off in and out of marriage then why try to restrain Pst Anita (even though I know from years of acquaintance she is not the type)? That was when she met Chris Oyakhilome. Fornication is not the same thing as adultery. She died in December 1983 at 78 years of age. 16 years is not 16 days. He said man of God can not sin or commit sin, really? Pastor Chris was married to Anita Ebhodaghe from 1991 to 2016. God bless you always. There is no point to live a lie. Website. [5] For they willfully overlook and forget this fact, that the heavens came into existence long ago by the word of God, and the earth also which was formed out of water and by means of water, [6] Through which the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished. A supposed married woman living like a single woman. During our conversation she talks about her role . This is why Jesus said to us is Mark 11:22, "Have faith in God". Generally speaking the Bible teaches that it is unlawful to marry again after a divorce. It doesn't matter your position here on earth, and the truth is you cannot do more than what the early disciples of Christ did, these disciples gave their all, including their lives to preach the gospel even up to places where the gospel is forbidden, how many of our today pastors and GO can go this far, all i see nowadays are people who wants others to look up to them as saviour, i pity these followers. This woman did not talk about CE nor Pastor Chris, yet you go on the offensive. 7. Remember God is a jealous God. Bayless Conley is an American pastor and television personality presently hosting "Answers With Bayless Conley" a weekly program that airs on CNBC in various places including Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. It is well with you Pastor Anita! They cannot even travel without prior consent from their spouses. Is counted as a sin until death makes apart. He is also the founder of Cottonwood Church. It will help the healing process. Deceiving and lieing to people since 1880. Deceit is the worst thing that can happen when people play under a false pretence. Or have you got an allegation against her other than according to Pst Chris she is allegedly 'bitter, doesn't know what it takes to be a wife of a top preacher, has friends advising her and she is a carnal christian'. Who are you to claim innocent? Is she getting her groove back? READ ALSO: Pastor Chris Oyakhilome house and cars. She is a dual citizen, as her mother is Swiss, providing her with a diverse cultural heritage. Pastor Anita,please know that while others are bashing you on this unfortunate situation,there are others who love and pray for you.When you hurt,we hurt.I believe something sweet will come out of this unfortunate situation(Judges 14:14). 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