: the Anglo caeld weille or even Two companies were instantly ordered out to pursue them, who hunted them like wild beasts, crying, Amazzi! Muir has undergone a number of revisions: Mure, More, Moore, etc. Hugh de Calde Wel, scutiferus, appears as charter witness, 1419 (LCD., p. 240), Watte Cawdwellis was witness in Dunfermline, 1495 (RD., 320), and Martyne Caldwell, a follower of the earl of Cassilis, was respited for murder, 1526 (RSS., I, 3386). Disguised as Caldwell, he married Alicia. Perrin and Bell also ignored the widespread existence of Caldwell place names throughout England preceding the Norman Invasion of 1066. No currently published genealogical story refers to this Caldwell or his Estate. (p. ON THE LATE MASSACRE IN PIEDMONT. At page 182, Bell writes: This was about 15% of all the recorded Caldwell's in USA. Several localities in various counties are so designated. You can see how Caldwell families moved over time by selecting different census years. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. SDB Popularity ranking: Who were thy sheep, and in their ancient fold DEMOGRAPHICS) Caldwell was first listed in 1900-1909 and reached its top position of #1726 in the U.S. in the 1900s, but is not ranked at the moment. Lineage, not marriage, was the fundamental social unit of his time. (see, Samuel Cowan, author of The Lord Chancellors of Scotland, W. & A.K. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Caldwell surname lived. George Crawfurd and George Robertson, A History of the Shire of Renfrew, supra, pp. The Romans established a trading post (emporia) at Caruthers (later called Glasgow), a fishing port, not far from the Caldwell hamlet, about 80 A.D. About the year 1560, during the suspension of the council of Treat, a most violent and bloody persecution was carried on against the Waldenses of Calabria at the south of Italy, by direction of that brutal tyrant, pope Pius IV. Avenge, O Lord, thy slaughterd saints, whose bones The tripled tyrant; that from these may grow Looking at each item of evidence that I have presented, he sees no persuasive or compelling case, just as if he had taken up a piece of puzzle, and said, it shows nothing. (p. In the year 1545, a large tract of country at the south of France, inhabited chiefly by the Waldenses, was overrun and most cruelly desolated by the popish barbarians, under the command of a violent bigot, named baron Oppede. The Domesday Book of 1086 used Latin, not Anglo-Saxon, to spell Caldwell. Keep in mind that many names may have different meanings in other countries and languages, so be careful that the name that you choose doesn't mean something bad or unpleasant. I realize absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but I do believe this omission affects the balance on the scale weighing the evidence pro and con. The head of the Caldwell clan would have been able to exert some influence over its son-in-law. The church would require the consent by the heiress and her close relatives to any alienation of the Estate, even if Gilchrist sought to donate all or portion of the Estate to a monastery or abbey. As was true for most medieval marriages, Gilchrist likely did not expect a long life together with his wife. The executioner went, and, bringing out one of them, covered his face with a napkin, or benda, as we call it, led him out to a field near the house, and, causing him to kneel down, cut his throat with a knife. Surnames were common among Scotch commoners of the 13 century, such as William Wallace, and among nobles, such as Robert Bruce, Andrew Moray, and John Soules. A violet lily shaped mark on his left breast identified him a Henry IIIs son. He encouraged town life. John remains erect, like the statute of Robert Bruce mounted on his horse, ready to do battle. 6.) Sample is predominantly from Anglosphere countries, View the tallest/shortest surnames in the world. The purpose was not to socialize but to ask Mary to confess. Up to the Reformation, the Lord Chancellors were usually Catholic Prelates. Following the Anglo-Saxon invasion and conversion to Christianity in the 6th century, an Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church resided at York. Bell did not use methods generally accepted by genealogists to advance claims of such important historical significance. He wrote on 6/27/02: Gault means pertaining to the lowlands, from the Gael gallda (PH Reaney A Dictionary of British Surnames p 142). 1796. Further to the south in the English county of Yorkshire, the Yorkshire Poll Tax Rolls of 1379 listed: Johannes de Coldwell; and Thomas de Coldwele. John A. Caldwell (jacaldwell) has uncovered numerous references to the name Caldwell in Renfrewshire, especially in and near Lochwinnoch, a few miles east of Beith, long before the Reformation, with the earliest document going back to the late 1200s. Being laymen, they were forbidden to preach they were formally declared heretics by Pope Lucius III in 1184 and by the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215. Unwelcome in their beloved homeland, many Scots sailed for the colonies of North America. A copious account of this persecution is given by a candid Romish contemporary historian, Thuanus, in the history of his own times. The local farms are known as Castlewalls. *We display top occupations by gender to maintain their historical accuracy during times when men and women often performed different jobs. Interestingly there were only 44 Coldwells in 1881 in Scotland most in what was Northumbria. Some of them at their death professed themselves of the same faith with us, but the greater part died in their cursed obstinacy. This place-name may also be derived from the Old English words caeld, which means cold, and welle, which means well, and indicates that the original bearer lived near a well that gave cold water. Mottoes first began to be shown with arms in the 14th and 15th centuries, but were not in general use until the 17th century. When Sir Reginald Mure died, the Cowdans Estate passed to Gilchrist Mure, who thereafter became Lord Cowdans. how many zombies have been killed in the walking dead. The first official reference to the practice in Scotland is from a general council held at Forfar in 1061, during the reign of Malcolm Canmor (1057- 1093). In the 2d century, York served three years as the capital of the Roman Empire, while the Emperor Severus resided there and commanded a Roman army that sought to defeat the Celtics. (John Eric Bruce Glover, Allen Mawer, and F.M. (p. Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). Sir William Mure referred to him as of Caldwell, perhaps because Caldwell was his chief residence. My approach has been to see if a clear picture emerges from the totality of the pieces. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022. This suggests the possibility that the hamlet of Caldwell originated in Roman times. The de Brus family became the Bruce family. [7]. This interesting surname is of Anglo-Saxon origin, and is a locational name from any one of the places called Caldwell in North Yorkshire and Warwickshire, Cauldwell in Bedfordshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, and other places named with the same elements such as Chadwell and Chardwell. The earliest known familial crest for a Caldwell family displayed a two dimensional line drawing of the side view of three stone block wells. This was the Bible that Shakespeare read. This surname has ramified in the most extraordinary manner in the United States. I have never been to Scotland. The original Scopttish Caldwell Estates were located within the Paroch Church of Neilstoun, the patronage of which was given by Robert de Croc, Pro salute animae suae, to the Monks of Pasly (Paisley), in the reign of Scottish King William [1165-1214]. Adam of Caldwell became Adam Caldwell. Suffice it to say, that he put sixty females to the torture, the greater part of whom died in prison in consequence of their wounds remaining undressed. I believe the Scotch surname Caldwell more likely derives from the Old English/Anglo-Saxon words, "caeld weille," or "caelde waellen," meaning cold water welling from a fissure in the earth, i.e., artesian well, than from the many alternative explanations. Categories cold, water Stenton, The Place Names of Nottinghamshire. Cambridge (Eng. The webpage of the Muir Society states that Sir Reginald Mure (1267-1329) served as Chamberlain in 1329. Alternately he may have done so in the belief that the Caldwell maternal line was of equal value, or at least a source and symbol of power, either by reason of blood relationship to an important person (for example, William Caldwell, then Prebendary of Glasgow and appointed Lord High Chancellor of Scotland, beginning in 1349), or in expectancy that he would acquire a privileged position in a social hierarchy. In the lowland areas of Scotland, around 400-600 A.D., there was recurring alliances, intermarriages, conquests, and conflicts, between Britons, Picts, Scottis, and Angles. It is said to be descended from Albigenses and Waldenses of the Piedmont section of Italy, who were driven into France by the Roman Catholic persecutions. Some potential support comes from the fact that the many of the early Mures had first names of Viking origin: Reginald, Gilchrist, and Godfrey. The Evidence: It is also common in Australia, where 4 percent are found and Canada, where 4 percent are found. Whole chapters are devoted to the changes that place names and surnames have undergone in America, as people of one language listened to and recorded what they thought they heard pronounced by people of another language, or deemed more familiar to them. . Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. Slain by the bloody Piedmontese that rolld For the next five hundred years, the Estate was known as the Mure of Caldwell Estate. There, they found land and freedom, and even the opportunity to make a new nation in the American War of Independence. David Caldwell (1725-1824) by David A. Caldwell; Origins of Caldwell Surname by David A. Caldwell; The Caldwell Enigma For our sons and grandchildren and our descendents by David Caldwell He married Margaret Clerk on February 7, 1709/10 (the ambiguity is due to the calendar new year under the old Julian calendar then in effect in England began on March 25, but on January 1 in Scotland under the Gregorian calendar), in Lochwinnoch, daughter of Alexander Clerk. p. 11 Up to the Reformation, the Lord Chancellors were usually Catholic Prelates. In view of the Churchs insistence that marriage was indissolvable, except for prohibited degree of consanguinity or crime, the Church made it easy for medieval nobles to obtain dissolution if the genealogical evidence showed such prohibited consanguinity. Virtually all present day place names in England are of Anglo-Saxon rather than Celtic or Briton origin. Others find its origin in a stone erected over a supposed Highland chief, name Neil, who was killed (for the purpose, we suspect) at the battle of Harlaw, in the reign of Malcom III. Children by such marriage would be expected to marry other Caldwells past the 4th degree of cousins, as authorized in 1215 by the Lateral Council (reducing prohibited range from 7th to 4th degree). Desirous of selling wool, Scot lowlanders may have driven their sheep from Renfrewshire to York, for export to Europe. Casket Letters is the name generally given to eight letters, and a sequence of irregular sonnets, all described as originally in French, and said to have been addressed by Mary, Queen of Scots, to the earl of Bothwell, between January and April 15661567. (Id.) The meekness and patience with which they went to martyrdom and death are incredible. (http://www.burkes-peerage. Caldwell in North Yorkshire is one major source of the surname; Caldwell in Renfrewshire in Scotland another. Naturally Galdwallys is such a short step from Caldwallys/Caldwalls that one must be driven to suspect a connection. I particularly liked this argument, because it bore the indicia of plausibility based on drawing reasonable inferences from verifiable facts. The records of LDS Family History Library identify a Caldwell Estate in Annandale, near Solway Firth, since approximately 1558, headed by Alexander Caldwell. no. With the anglicanization of names this became Caldwell, similar but unrelated to Coldwell, a common name in England. He ranked below the High Steward but above the Chamberlain. In 1823, Leland wrote of the Caldwell settlement in Yorkshire: There appere ruines of buildinges at Cawdewelle villageCawdewell is so caullid from a little font or spring, by the ruines of the olde place, and so rennith into a bake halfe a quarter of a mile of. On his return to Naples, he delivered a great number of Protestants to the secular arm at St. Agata, where he inspired the inhabitants with the utmost terror; for if any individual came forward to intercede for the prisoners, he was immediately put to the torture as a favorer of heresy. Irish: when not the English surname this is an Anglicized form of Fuarghuis or hUarghusa descendant of (F)uarghus a personal name whose literal sense cold + choice was reinterpreted as coming from fuaruisce cold water. I aim to distinguish between probable (evidence from many independent sources is supportive of the conclusion), possible (scintilla of evidence), and conjectural (no known documentary or archeological evidence, but hypothesis has not been disproven). At the time of Godfrey Mures birth in 1352, Sir William Caldwell was still Lord High Chancellor, and one of the most eminent ndividuals in Scotland. (London). He may simply have been motivated to tell what he had learned that he thought would be of interest to his anticipated audience a rather benign and common motivation of nearly all authors. Spellings & Pronunciations Coldwell, Nationality & Ethnicity Ireland Famous People named Caldwell Toy Caldwell, Early Caldwells These are the earliest records we have of the Caldwell family. Included is another detailed article about Gustave Anjous life and forgery methods, entitled Gustave, We Hardly Knew Ye: by Gordon L. Remington. Remington was editor of the Genealogical Journal. The name statistics are still in development, sign up for information on more maps and data. Looks awfully like the fort of the Welsh/Wallace. (2 folded), maps (folded). For a graphic illustration of this expansion into Renfrewshire, see July/August 2001 issue of the periodical, Archeology, p. 49. (Check the webpage at http://globalcorp.com/geneva-bible/.) Approximately 150,156 people bear this surname. 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